St. Albert


Thank you for your interest in registering for St. Albert Judo club!

Classes are scheduled to start on:

  • September 9th for Junior and Senior Classes
  • September 11th for the Kinder Class

If you require further details about our club, kindly refer to the About Us page. You can also complete the form located under the Questions? section below.

St. Albert Judo Club Fees 2024/2025

Class 2024/2025 Fee * Registration form
Kinder Class / Ages 3 - 6 $275 2024/2025 Youth Registration Form
Junior Class / Ages 7 - 12 $525 2024/2025 Youth Registration Form
Senior Class / Ages 13+ $525 2024/2025 Adult Registration Form
* Total Annual Fees including Judo Canada & Judo Alberta Membership. Payment options available.


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Judo helps instill mental focus in your child, giving them the ability to concentrate and see tasks through to the end. Judo is about respecting yourself and those around you.
Unlike other martial arts Judo teaches you how to defend yourself without any kicking or punching. In the dojo we teach you how to avoid dangerous situations.
No matter what your current fitness level Judo will improve your balance, coordination and general conditioning. If you are looking to lose weight, Judo can burn over 700 calories every hour!