St. Albert

St Albert Judo Club Dojo Protocols


Anyone attending another facility (combat sport) must delay return at this time. At risk members must delay return at this time. Although everyone is at risk for COVID-19, some individuals are at a higher risk. These include people with:
  • heart disease
  • hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • lung disease such as asthma
  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • a medical condition or treatment such as chemotherapy
  • older adults – generally defined as 65 and older


  • Arrive 10 minutes early to allow for entry screening at the north entrance door.
  • Students must arrive in a clean (washed) judogi (Changerooms will not be available).
  • Students must line up outside and observe the 2m social distancing rules.
  • Students will enter one at a time.
  • No spectators will be allowed in the dojo. Parents are to drop off a minor but must remain in the vicinity until the child has cleared the screening procedure.


  • All judoka must bring a fully completed COVID Consent with signature (parental signature if a minor). No form – no entry.
  • After sanitizing hands at the inside of the hallway, all judoka will have a temperature check performed by the screening personnel at the front of the hallway prior to admission onto the mats.
  • The screening personnel will write down all participants names, record signed COVID Screening Checklist results &, participants temperature, as well as names of those who come with participant for drop off (ie. Parent or sibling) before entering dojo. Information will then be stored in the dojo to assist with contact tracing information and keep a detailed record of all participants at any given class.
  • Anyone failing the temperature check will result in the judoka being sent home.
  • Anyone not arriving on time, and not checked in by the screening manager will not be able to participate in that specific session.

Access to the mats:

  • Shoes and belongings must be stored in the designated areas. Water bottles will be located on the bench for easy access.
  • All judoka must sanitize their hands before entering the mat area.
  • All judoka must obey the safety instructions and protocols. Failure to do so will result in expulsion.
  • Washrooms will not be accessible, except in extreme cases. Anyone using the washroom must sanitize their hands before returning to the mat area.
  • Maintain social distancing when possible.
  • Everyone must use their own water bottles, which must be filled up at home. No refilling of water bottles at the dojo.
  • Instructors will wear a mask and maintain reasonable social distance if possible.
  • Students can choose to wear a mask and it would be encouraged


  • After the class is over, judoka will leave the mats a few at a time and sanitize their hands. They will then gather their belongings and leave through the main exit door.
  • Absolutely no loitering in the dojo will occur once a class is completed.
  • Parents/adults accompanying a minor must be waiting outside to pick up the child.
  • Dojo will once again be sanitized, and all equipment used will be sanitized at the end of each class
Judo helps instill mental focus in your child, giving them the ability to concentrate and see tasks through to the end. Judo is about respecting yourself and those around you.
Unlike other martial arts Judo teaches you how to defend yourself without any kicking or punching. In the dojo we teach you how to avoid dangerous situations.
No matter what your current fitness level Judo will improve your balance, coordination and general conditioning. If you are looking to lose weight, Judo can burn over 700 calories every hour!